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642 Parking Regulations and Road Closure Procedures


RATIONALE: To establish clear guidelines for the campus community with regard to parking regulations, parking lots, parking citations and road closure procedures.

POLICY: The Oakland University Police Department (OUPD) has full authority to ensure the safe and efficient movement of vehicular traffic on campus.

SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY: This policy applies to all faculty, staff, students and visitors operating motor vehicles on the Oakland University (University) campus. The OUPD has been charged with the primary responsibility, management, oversight and enforcement of traffic, parking and road closure regulations and procedures on the University campus.

DEFINITIONS: The following definitions apply to parking, permits, and authorized University vehicles on the University campus:

Restricted Parking is any parking space or area restricted to special use only indicated by the posting of specific signage. Restricted Parking spaces or areas include those designated for handicapped motorists, head residents, loading areas, police vehicle parking, and other permit parking only areas as posted.

Prohibited Parking is any area in which all parking is generally prohibited. Such areas include, but are not limited to, the following: campus roadways, (unless designated parking lanes are provided) non-paved grassy areas, sidewalks and fire lanes.

Authorized Emergency Vehicles and authorized operators of same are not generally subject to traffic and parking regulations during the performance of their duties, especially during emergency situations.

Authorized University Owned Service Vehicles are generally marked and designated as University service vehicles and are generally exempt from certain restrictions while engaged in University business.  For further information please refer to OU AP&P #648 Vehicles on Campus Sidewalks and Lawns.

A variety of authorized Parking Permits are issued by the OUPD, including permits to the Board of Trustees, University President, Vice Presidents, Deans, contractors, vendors and temporary Parking Permits.  Special permits are issued by the Purchasing Department to vendors for specific business activities.  The Housing Department issues Parking Permits to Head Residents.

Handicap Parking Permits must be secured from the Michigan Secretary of State.


Oakland University faculty, staff, students and visitors may park in any unrestricted lot or metered area on campus.

Permits: Permits are required for all Restricted Parking unless otherwise directed by an on-site police officer.

Metered Parking: Metered parking is primarily intended for vendors and University guests who require short-term temporary parking.

University Parking Areas: The University reserves the right to temporarily close any parking area for University purposes. Neither Oakland University nor its employees assume responsibility or liability for loss from theft or damage to cars parked on campus.
Overnight Parking: Overnight parking, between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m., is permitted in the following areas only: Lots P-5 (except where posted), P-11, P-35, posted section of P-16, designated areas of P-3 and P-1, and covered areas of the P-29 or P-32 parking structure.

Towing: Vehicles which create a hazard, obstruct University operations, damage lawns or shrubbery, parked in violation of posted "tow zones", or are abandoned, may be removed by the OUPD and impounded. Towing and removal fees will be assessed in addition to the fine prescribed for the violation.

Administration of Regulations: The traffic laws of the State of Michigan (Michigan Motor Vehicle Code) and  OU AP&P #640 Oakland University Ordinances are in effect on University property and enforceable under the authority of the OUPD.

Citation Complaints: The Chief of Police (Chief) or designee may attempt to resolve complaints regarding traffic and parking citations. If the complainant is not satisfied after the Chief's review, the complainant will pay the prescribed fine or appear in court. These types of complaints will not be forwarded to any other University office for resolution.

Special Parking Exemptions: The Chief or designee is authorized to occasionally approve limited special parking exemptions following consideration of several factors, including but not limited to the following:

  • Events or occurrences directly benefiting students

  • Important community outreach

  • The Chief will also consider time of day, day of week, duration of the event and number of vehicles involved.

  • Faculty and staff members requesting parking exemptions for special events or for other reasons must submit a request to the Chief or designee for approval. If the decision is not satisfactory, the request may be referred to the Vice President for Finance and Administration (VPFA) for further review and disposition.

  • Decisions regarding “turf parking” will be made by the Chief or designee but only as a last resort, and after consultation with Facilities Management. Prior to granting approval for “turf parking” the Chief will also consider current weather conditions.

Parking Lot Closures: Per OU AP&P #483 Parking in a Snow Emergency, certain parking lots will be closed during snow emergencies. During the period OUPD declares to be a snow emergency, vehicles must be moved from specified parking lots to the covered levels of campus parking structures.


Road Closures: The Chief or designee is authorized to approve short-term road closures for a variety of reasons. Road closures of longer duration and/or of unusually longer stretches of roadways will be discussed with the VPFA prior to granting/denying closure approval.

During emergencies any police officer is authorized to close any portion of any roadway as may be deemed necessary to safely and properly manage such emergency.



OU AP&P #483 Parking During a Snow Emergency

OU AP&P #640 Oakland University Ordinances

OU AP&P #648 Vehicles on Campus Sidewalks and Lawns