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610 Driving Practices and Standards


RATIONALE: To provide driving standards and requirements for individuals driving on University business (whether operating University or Personal Vehicles) that will assist the University in:

  • Ensuring the safety of faculty, staff, students, volunteers, and the public
  • Reducing the number of vehicle accidents
  • Complying with local, state and federal vehicle regulations
  • Promoting safe driving habits
  • Limiting the potential monetary and reputational costs to the University for third party liability issues


This policy details the responsibilities and requirements of individuals (University faculty, staff, students, volunteers and others) driving on University Business as part of or in connection with their position or University affiliation. Individuals not adhering to the stated responsibilities and requirements of this policy are not to drive a University or Personal Vehicle on University business.


SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY: University faculty, staff, students, volunteers and others driving on University Business must adhere to this policy.



Personal Vehicle: A vehicle owned, leased, or rented through the use of personal funds.  


Travel Expense Summary (TES): The spreadsheet and supporting documents which create complete accounting of travel expenses, as further defined in OU AP&P #1200 Travel.


University Authorized Drivers (UAD):  There are two categories of UADs as shown below.


Recurring UAD: An individual who operates a University Vehicle as part of his/her job, or whose job description specifically identifies the need to drive on a recurring basis as a core component of his/her position, such as an athletic coach, custodial & grounds, admissions recruiter or any individual driving on University Business on average more than once per week. Any employee receiving a University car allowance will be considered a Recurring UAD.


Non-Recurring UAD: Any individual not meeting the requirements of a Recurring UAD as defined above is considered a Non-Recurring UAD when driving on University Business.


Both Recurring and Non-Recurring UADs must:

  • Be at least eighteen (18) years of age
  • Possess a current and valid U.S. driver's license or international driving permit recognized in the U.S. AND the individual has not been prevented from driving to, from or in the course of employment due to a driver's license or permit suspension, restriction, or revocation by the State/country that has issued the license or permit;

  • Consent to periodic driving record reviews by Risk Management. 

University Business: Business done on behalf of or arising from an affiliation with the University.


University Funds: Funds available for spending from any of the University's fund groups, or money held by the University in its bank accounts.


University Vehicle: Any vehicle, including utility vehicles and tractors purchased, leased, or rented with University Funds.


Recurring UAD Driving Record Affidavit requests will be handled as follows:

Human Resources: Permanent and Temporary Staff Employees, Faculty Employees

Student Financial Services: Student Employees


Human Resources Responsibilities: As a condition of employment or change in position/job responsibilities of a current employee, Human Resources will check the driving record of any potential Recurring UAD (see attached Driving Record Affidavit).

Student Financial Services Responsibilities: As a condition of student employment, Student Financial Services will check the driving record of any potential Recurring Student Employee UAD (see attached Driving Record Affidavit).

Human Resources and Student Financial Services employees performing Michigan Department of State Motor Vehicle Record checks must complete and sign the Third-Party Access Request Form (see attached) and email the form to riskmgmt@oakland.edu.


University Authorized Driver Responsibilities: All UADs as defined in this policy must inform their supervisors of any changes in their driving record status that would impact their ability to meet the requirements of a UAD. Individuals who do not meet the requirements will not drive on University Business.

To claim mileage reimbursement for driving Personal Vehicles on University Business, UADs must complete a TES, which includes an Authorized Driver statement below the traveler's signature line.

Supervisor Responsibilities: Supervisors must report to Risk Management any accidents or safety issues that they are aware of related to their subordinates driving on University Business, including reporting issues that may affect the subordinate's status as a UAD.

Risk Management Responsibilities: Risk Management will perform the following functions related to UADs.

Driving Record Review: Risk Management may periodically check Recurring UADs' motor vehicle records, and may check driving records of Non-Recurring Authorized Drivers. 

Determination of UAD status: Risk Management may, at its sole discretion, suspend work related driving privileges for UADs (or individuals seeking to become authorized) if:

  • Repeated or excessive driving infractions exist on the driving record, even if revocation, suspension or restriction has not taken place OR,
  • Information is received that indicates the driver's ability to operate a vehicle in a safe fashion or conform to the purposes of this policy may be compromised.

    Examples include but are not limited to:  
  • Multiple driving infractions within the previous year.  
  • A history of repeated offenses or violations in the past (3) years.
  • Individual driving infractions that exceed three (3) points.

General Safety Procedures: It is the UAD's responsibility to familiarize himself/herself with University policies, rules and regulations and to operate vehicles and equipment safely.  

While not all inclusive, listed below are important safety procedures that apply to anyone driving on University Business:       

Every driver must:

  • Wear properly fastened safety belts at all times;
  • Limit the number of occupants to the number of seats installed by the manufacturer;
  • Not operate a hand-held mobile communications device in an unlawful manner or engage in any other distracted driving activities;
  • Not operate a vehicle while impaired by alcohol, controlled substances. 

Every driver should:

  • Avoid driving while taking over the counter medications where the manufacturer cautions against operating a vehicle;
  • Take periodic breaks when driving more than eight (8) continuous hours;
  • Limit the total number of hours of driving in a twenty-four (24) hour period to eight (8).

Accident Procedures: Accidents taking place while driving on University Business (whether involving University Vehicles and equipment, or a Personal vehicle) must immediately be reported to a supervisor. The supervisor must inform Risk Management of the accident as soon as possible, but no later than one (1) business day after receiving notification from the Authorized Driver.

Risk Management reserves the right to revoke authorization for an individual to drive on University Business and to assign driving improvement classes to any UAD. This will be determined on a case-by-case basis and arranged by Risk Management.

Maintenance and Vehicle Safety: Departments must maintain University Vehicles in safe operating condition. Suggested manufacturer maintenance schedules should be followed. Any defect in a vehicle's condition that is, or may become, a safety issue must be corrected immediately.

Van Driving Policy: Rental of a fifteen (15) passenger van is prohibited unless approved in advance by Risk Management.

UADs operating a fifteen (15) passenger van must limit the number of passengers to a maximum of nine (9); and the UAD must be at least age twenty-one (21) and complete the National Safety Council approved van driver training course provided by Risk Management.

Insurance Coverage:

University Vehicles: The University carries automobile physical damage and liability insurance for all University Vehicles. UADs operating University Vehicles or equipment are covered for damages to property of others and/or bodily injury claims within the Michigan No-fault Act.

Insurance deductibles may be assessed to the UAD's department in the event of an accident.


Individuals not recognized as UADs who are involved in an accident while driving on University Business may incur significant personal liability.


Privately-Owned/Leased/Rented Vehicles: UADs, operating privately owned/leased/rented vehicles on University Business must carry personal automobile liability insurance. The individual's personal automobile liability coverage shall be the primary insurance for claims that occur on University Business.


No automobile physical damage coverage for privately owned/leased/rented vehicles shall be provided by the University.


Violations of Policy: Individuals who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary procedures, up to and including discharge or expulsion, and any discipline imposed will be consistent with the provisions of any collectively bargained agreement or other applicable employee or student discipline policy in effect at the time of the violation.   

OU AP&P #1050 Risk Management/Insurance Policies & Procedures OU AP&P #1200 TravelMileage Only Reimbursement Request

Driving Record Affidavit

Michigan Department of State Third Party Access Request Form

Michigan No-Fault Act